At United Properties, we’re about more than just bricks and mortar; we strive to create deep roots within the communities we call home. Whether we are revitalizing a historic neighborhood, transforming a site or renovating a building, or collaborating with community partners, we consistently strive to make a positive impact in all that we do.

Leaving Lasting Legacies through Tree Planting

Last month, United Properties partnered with The Nature Conservancy (TNC) and Tree Trust to plant more than 80 trees in two neighborhoods in St. Paul, one at the Duluth and Case Recreation Center and the other at Johnson Parkway.

Due to the pandemic, members from TNC and Tree Trust physically planted the trees, while United Properties funded the project, and the Forestry Unit of St. Paul’s Parks and Recreation Department supported the event as well. The trees (19 different species) were chosen for their ability to endure climate change, provide wildlife habitat, and benefit people. Some of the benefits of trees include alleviating heat, storing carbon to help offset carbon emissions, improving air and water quality, and reducing the risk of flooding. Lasting legacies, indeed!

The Nature Conservancy, one of United Properties’ key community-relations partners, has been developing a science-based mapping tool to identify sites within the Twin Cities metro area most in need of tree-planting. As part of our planning process, we worked with TNC to select our planting site from options identified by the mapping tool. Read more about The Nature Conservancy’s approach using the mapping tool in a recent story in the Star Tribune.

A Community UPLift

Planting trees is just one way United Properties works to leave lasting legacies in our communities. Even amid a pandemic, we strive to make a difference where we can. The tree planting was part of our recent launch of UPLift, a platform for sharing our charitable giving and corporate social responsibility initiatives that “plant the seeds of positive change” in this case, literally!

Be sure to keep up with our UPLift progress by following us on our social media channels, where we share photos and blogs detailing our community relations work. You can also follow The Nature Conservancy on Twitter and Facebook and Tree Trust on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook to stay updated on the important work they’re doing here in the Twin Cities.

About United Properties

United Properties has been creating deep roots in the commercial real estate industry for more than 100 years. The company imagines new possibilities in real estate to help enrich communities and create lasting legacies. United Properties provides market expertise for ground-up development, redevelopment and acquisitions of value-add and stable investments. The company invests in and develops office, industrial, retail, mixed-use and senior housing properties. United Properties is owned by the Pohlad Companies and is headquartered in Minneapolis, with offices in Denver and Austin, Texas.



Gradient blue to green with United Properties logo on top

Enjoy Business as Unusual Part I & Part II.

There’s no doubt that the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted nearly every aspect of our lives. The office world was thrown into an intensely different routine in a matter of days, and it may be some time before institutions return to any semblance of normal. With that in mind, we understand the pandemic’s toll on our people as we continue to adapt to this “new normal” during our ninth week at home.

Since the mid-March office closures, leadership, human resources, communications and the IT team have all banded together to swiftly transition the team to a work-from-home format. The message from the top has been this: Business will go on, but the health of you and your families comes first — you are safe and secure.

Though the show goes on, we cannot pretend we are the same and are not expected to. At the foundation of our business is our people, and people everywhere are struggling with change and uncertainty. Here are a few ways United Properties is mindfully caring for its people during this unprecedented time:

Clear & frequent communication

Our Executive Leadership Council has frequently sent out emails updating the team and reminding people we need to be flexible during this time understanding that we are all juggling different circumstances, that we should expect communication and responses from team members to perhaps come outside of normal business hours and respecting that people are working different hours to manage life at home, and providing weekly tips and tricks to keep us sane. Encouraging us to go for a walk, take a break, or take PTO whenever we need it is at the forefront of our communications.

Top-notch tech support

Long before the pandemic, our IT team had already equipped the United Properties team with laptops and work-from-home capabilities such as accessing important company databases and tools used every day, which has allowed employees to work remotely when appropriate. Post-closures, video conferencing centers, digital signatures, and vCards were swiftly socialized and adopted, and some employees have gone entirely paperless with the help of OneNote and other programs. That said, we were well equipped to transition into a long-term work-from-home format.

Connecting through Facebook group

A few days into the transition, we launched a private Facebook page as a company forum dedicated to mutual support, sharing and fun. So far, about 60 percent of employees have joined, and we’ve reacted to each other’s posts more than 1,500 times! Sharing photos of our kids, pets, plants and even company memories are keeping us all connected (and a little sane, if we’re being honest).

A focus on health & wellness

United Properties put its employees first early on by declaring a wellness day in which the whole company was given a Friday to prepare for the shelter-in-place order to take effect and spend time with family. This month, Human Resources jumpstarted the Wellness Wednesday initiative, which includes a weekly webinar or activity aimed to improve physical, mental and/or emotional health. Last week, we learned about how sleep impacts all other aspects of health from sleep medicine expert (and BizJournal’s 2019 Women in Business honoree) Sarah Moe!

Digital happy hours

Last but certainly not least, we don’t miss the opportunity to gather the full team for happy hour every once in a while! Our Executive Leadership Council has been hosting popular Skype happy hours to share company updates and maintain that distinct company culture and sense of team that we oh so miss experiencing in person.

Bottom line

United Properties has spent the last 103 years creating deep roots in the communities where we do business, and those deep roots are now more important than ever. United Properties and The Pohlad Companies (the company that owns United Properties) have made significant donations to local food banks and nonprofits focused on providing pandemic relief for our communities who need it most. COVID-19 has shown us what’s important in life, and together we will continue to preserve and write our history as the company continues to evolve in the face of change.

To all our partners, clients, neighbors and friends, look out for one another! It’s okay to feel unsure of what to do as we’re all living through a historic pandemic. Right now, we are all making history.

In solidarity,

The People of United Properties

About United Properties

United Properties has been creating deep roots in the commercial real estate industry for more than 100 years. The company imagines new possibilities in real estate to help enrich communities and create lasting legacies. United Properties provides market expertise for ground-up development, redevelopment and acquisitions of value-add and stable investments. The company invests in and develops office, industrial, retail, mixed-use and senior housing properties. United Properties is owned by the Pohlad Companies and is headquartered in Minneapolis, with offices in Denver and Austin, Texas.



Gradient blue to green with United Properties logo on top


Due to these unprecedented times regarding COVID-19, FRGMNT Coffee has decided to suspend operations until further notice. The coffee shop feels that this is the safest option for staff, guests, and the community, and it looks forward to the day it can reopen to its normal hours. Consider giving the shop a visit when it’s open to support the business and the employees. 

Ben Banse took a spontaneous trip from Jacksonville to Nashville, entered a coffee shop and ordered a mocha. He was captivated by everything around him – the coffee, the setting, the interactions between the barista and the customers, literally everything about the experience. “It was an awesome feeling,” Ben remembers, “Seeing those really cool interactions made me want to be a part of the coffee scene.”

It was that small, yet pivotal moment in his life that compelled him to pursue a career in the specialty coffee industry.

As a Minnesota native, Ben decided to come back to the Twin Cities area and get started in the city’s coffee community.  He met life-long friends who would later become some of his business partners. After working alongside them and assisting with the opening of four coffee shops in the North Loop (including Northern Coffeeworks, Parallel, and Bachelor Farmer), he and some close co-workers were approached to start another coffee shop. The shop’s location would be in an office and mixed-use Nordic-style development, which would later become known as The Nordic. Less than a year later the vision became a reality when The Nordic fully opened this past fall with the group’s coffee shop idea: FRGMNT.

A Piece of the Whole

The FRGMNT team’s primary job with the development of the building was to influence the layout of the coffee shop and add their own flair while also ensuring that the space was practical for an easier work environment. Working with United Properties and interior design firm StudioBV made it easy for the team to imagine the possibilities of what the coffee shop could look like.

A strategic approach to the coffee sourcing was important to the identity of the shop, too, according to the team. “A big part of what we wanted to do was bring in roasters from all over the world,” Ben explains. “Bringing in roasters from the Nordic countries coincided well with the style of the building.”

In fact, what makes FRGMNT unique is its rotating roasting program. “We have five to six different roasters at a time, so five to six different coffee origins,” Ben explains. This way, the coffee shop always provides the customer with something new or something they haven’t tried previously. “It’s cool to see the story behind each bean.” To date, FRGMNT has offered coffee roasted in Denmark, Sweden, London, Germany and the United States.

The coffee shop’s name also alludes to its uniqueness. The term “FRGMNT” reflects how the team wanted to insinuate that they are part of a larger whole (like a “fragment”) – in this case, the North Loop neighborhood. The team then took away the vowels to emphasize the non-traditional nature of the shop.

Impact on the North Loop & Future Plans

FRGMNT does more for the North Loop than add another conventional coffee shop. “It’s a convenient location for businesses and neighborhood folk,” says Ben. “It’s like a little downtown getaway and can cater to any coffee shop-goer.”

What’s more is that the coffee shop will be a great place to work for employees. With competitive wages, the employees also receive parking passes, access to a gym, and the hours call for a good work-life balance that allows them to have some time to pursue interests outside of their traditional barista duties.

For the future, FRGMNT plans to expand its shop to more locations. The team’s ultimate goal is to have a couple strategically placed FRGMNT shops throughout the Twin Cities.

In the meantime, FRGMNT hopes to continue providing an atmosphere where everyone feels welcome and where there’s an option for every customer.

“Our long-term goal is to cultivate a coffee shop environment where every customer can find a seat and get an experience they can enjoy.”

If you want to learn more about the shop and the team, feel free to check out FRGMNT’s website or follow the shop on Instagram and Facebook.

About United Properties

United Properties has been creating deep roots in the commercial real estate industry for more than 100 years. The company imagines new possibilities in real estate to help enrich communities and create lasting legacies. United Properties provides market expertise for ground-up development, redevelopment and acquisitions of value-add and stable investments. The company invests in and develops office, industrial, retail, mixed-use and senior housing properties. United Properties is owned by the Pohlad Companies and is headquartered in Minneapolis, with offices in Denver and Austin, Texas.



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One of our most recent developments in the vibrant North Loop neighborhood, The Nordic, has already begun the work of creating legacies over the past few months.

As the newly developed “living room and back yard” of the North Loop, The Nordic has provided many hours of enjoyment in the open, outdoor plaza space that connects to the neighborhood’s popular The Freehouse restaurant at the Loose-Wiles Building next door.

Our friends from The Musicant Group are mainly responsible for this; since 2012, they’ve been planning and hosting placemaking events and designing spaces to connect the public with common areas throughout Minnesota. Its main mission is simple: to create places where people want to be.

United Properties partnered with The Musicant Group on The Nordic in the development phase, keeping the question of “What do people want to do?” top of mind. Through engaging and interviewing residents, employees, and visitors of the North Loop, Founder Max Musicant and Community Event Manager Shelby Schroeder uncovered a few common threads: people want to create new traditions and experience new amenities and events

Musicant and Schroeder explain that “the plaza was designed to accommodate physical curling programs, parties, fitness events, and intimate casual and day-to-day experiences.”  

From hosting musicians and enjoying a couple of cold ones to celebrating the holidays and practicing yoga, the Nordic is fulfilling its promise to serve as the living room and backyard of the vibrant North Loop – satisfying the needs of people who live, work, and play in the neighborhood. 

The Nordic Shenanigans

This past September, an Oktoberfest celebration was held at the plaza between The Nordic and The Freehouse. It’s a convenient location, especially with The Freehouse right there to provide the beer! By bringing this event to the plaza, the space can engage with people and generate buzz, all in the hopes of making this an annual event at the plaza. 

The Musicant Group has also implemented what’s called “Minute Mondays” where employees in The Nordic and Loose-Wiles Building and bystanders can take a minute to engage in Minute-to-Win-It activities. It’s intended to interact with employees and the general public during our fast-paced lives. “I knew that people didn’t have 30 minutes to spare, but I knew they had one minute,” says Schroeder, “Minute Mondays are smaller-scale events so people see that there’s constant activity.” 

Additionally, The Musicant Group hosts Fika Fridays, which is an event held every Friday where coffee, treats, doughnuts, pastries, and even a yogurt bar are offered to the public and employees. It’s so popular that 80-100 people come every time, and people have it scheduled on their calendars. “There’s one employee that shouts across the cubes every time Fika Fridays rolls around” explains Schroeder, “he even brought me coffee one day to show his appreciation for the work we do with this event.” This event has certainly achieved the goal of the space by creating a weekly ritual amongst employees and neighboring organizations. “It allows people and employees to take some time out of the office, come down to the plaza and plan something together and enjoy themselves” explains Musicant. 

Local musicians have also been taking advantage of the open plaza outdoor and indoor spaces to share their talents with the public. The Musicant Group has an extensive list of local musicians, and they pick a variety of musicians to perform so that different tastes and genres can be heard by the public at least once a month. Tenants have even said that they want to come down for lunch and enjoy some local music on the plaza. “It’s a great way to engage so many different types of people” describe Schroeder and Musicant, “witnessing a concert communicates a live invitation, and implies that the plaza is an inclusive space and that we want people there.” 

The Musicant Group has also worked with the North Loop Neighborhood Association to create recurring events. “We’re actively recruiting partners to create larger events and seasonal traditions” Musicant explains. In October, the two groups worked together to use the plaza space for a Halloween celebration, kicking off a theme of recurring events on the plaza to create traditions and foster a memorable gathering space. 

And to top it off, The Musicant Group worked with the Downtown Resource Group (DRG) to utilize the space for yoga. As part of its partnership with the Best Christmas Ever (BCE), an organization that works to bless families who have been through tough times during the holiday season, DRG asked The Musicant Group if the space could be used for yoga to raise money for BCE. The Musicant Group couldn’t say no. “We want to make our spaces a ‘yes’ space. If somebody wants to host an event, we don’t say no, we try our best to make it happen,” say Schroeder and Musicant. The open space on the plaza makes it a perfect spot for not only parties, but also a space where people can be physically active, underscoring the plaza’s versatility. 

In partnership with The Musicant Group and The Freehouse, United Properties is also in the process of installing curling into the space with hopes of recurring every winter. It will be the only outdoor curling courts in the Twin Cities that use actual stones, too. The group is also moving the outdoor concert series indoors for the winter, rebranding it Lattes and Listen, in partnership with the new coffee shop FRGMNT. Continuing to work with the North Loop Neighborhood Association, hosting more Fika Fridays, making annual holiday events, and implementing an ice bar with The Freehouse are all in the works too. 

Impact of Public Spaces 

Whether it’s some good ‘ole beer-drinking, family gathering, or relaxing yoga, our plaza at The Nordic is a versatile space well suited to host a wide variety of activities that bring the neighborhood together.

Our partnership with The Musicant Group has truly created a place where people want to be, and we’re excited to imagine more possibilities for cultivating a welcoming public space. It’s all part of our work to leave lasting legacies in the Twin Cities and fulfil our mission of advancing transformative real estate. ​​

About United Properties

United Properties has been creating deep roots in the commercial real estate industry for more than 100 years. The company imagines new possibilities in real estate to help enrich communities and create lasting legacies. United Properties provides market expertise for ground-up development, redevelopment and acquisitions of value-add and stable investments. The company invests in and develops office, industrial, retail, mixed-use and senior housing properties. United Properties is owned by the Pohlad Companies and is headquartered in Minneapolis, with offices in Denver and Austin, Texas.



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We all love public art. We love to look at it, marvel at it, interact with it, learn about it, and take pride in it. The Spoonbridge and Cherry sculpture has become an icon for the city of Minneapolis and instilled local pride within our community, while the Mary Tyler Moore statue in downtown Minneapolis reminds us that our city was once the home of a popular and progressive sitcom.

But, what is the purpose of public art and why is it so important to communities? Further, how has United Properties been able to incorporate public art to enrich the communities where we live, work and play?

Public Art Uplifts Public Health

First, what is public art? It’s simple. According to Americans for the Arts, public art is “art in public spaces.” The way art is incorporated into a public space can be a response to the place and community in which it resides and is often site-specific. It can reflect a place’s history, culture, people, and societal norms.

Additionally, there are several health benefits that public art can provide to a community:

  1. Helps us take a breather. In such a fast-paced world, public art can slow us down and help us appreciate the values in our communities we may not have previously noticed. Colin Ellard, a neuroscientist who studies the relationship between psychology and urban design, researched this and found that city residents walk at an average speed of three miles per hour. However, when comparing walking speeds of walkers in areas where there was public art and areas without, he discovered that those who walked passed the artwork reduced their speed by 50%. Even when it’s unbeknownst to us as citizens, public art affects how we move and view our surroundings.
  2. Cultivates positive emotions. Contributor to Forbes Raquel Laneri articulates that public art pieces can break up “the monotonous and sometimes oppressive nature of city working life.” Simply put, it can just make you smile. Art installations can be clever, downright funny, interesting, goofy, fun, or be the source of a happy thought on your daily commute, while relaxing in a park, or exploring a new area.
  3. Instills local pride and social capital. The Fearless Girl statue that was placed on Wall Street in New York City exemplifies this function of public art. Remember Spoonbridge and Cherry and the Mary Tyler Moore statue? Public art installations represent cultural icons that trigger a community’s collective sense of pride – especially when it can be used for a feel-good Instagram moment.
  4. Represents marginalized communities. Public art can uplift voices of those who may not be at the forefront of the mainstream media or whose history might not be known to the general public. Pieces that have ties to indigenous tribes or communities of color can be a reminder that different communities exist and are present while fostering feel-good moments and open-mindedness in a community.

United Properties’ Public Art in Action

As part of our brand promise to enrich communities, United Properties has incorporated several public art installations into its developments – all of which can provide some sort of benefit to our communities!

Be The Match – Sidewalk Harp

In front of the Be The Match headquarters – developed by United Properties in 2015 – lies a unique structure that at first glance just seems like a fancy light fixture. After walking past the installation, however, one might start to hear noises. That’s no accident. That’s right – this piece has motion sensors to detect when someone walks by or waves their hand under it and subsequently plays different notes to resemble that of a harp. Created by artist Jen Lewin, this public art piece causes people to slow down and interact with their surroundings while having a little fun.

Photo courtesy of Jen Lewin Studios

Align Sculpture at Enterprise Business Center

At our prime industrial building in Colorado, we’ve recently implemented a unique sculpture titled Align by artist Joshua Wiener. The piece resembles a root system and appears to be “growing” into the surrounding space, conveying wholeness and unity. Align brings an interesting perspective and gives bystanders and workers something inspiring to look at.

Photo courtesy of United Properties, taken by Gaffer photography

Mural at 7-Eleven in Broomfield, CO

The first-ever mural implemented at a 7-Eleven in Colorado has unique ties to the community of Broomfield. The mural itself reflects the community by highlighting the Colorado sunset palette and the area’s vegetation and landscapes. It brings a fun and vibrant mood to the gas station for shoppers and workers to admire through its bright and eye-catching colors while becoming a hot spot for social media engagement. It was created by members of So-Gnar Creative Division.

Photo courtesy of United Properties, taken by Gaffer Photography, and So-Gnar Creative Division’s Instagram page @so_gnarcreativedivision.

Curve Ball Art Piece near Caribou & Target Field Station

Near one of our Caribou Coffee developments and Target Field Station lies a rock sculpture titled “Curve Ball” by artist Zoran Mojsilov. The piece lies in the center of a gathering space that is encompassed by rock seating. This public art piece cultivates a sense of community within the heart of the North Loop and provides visually appealing scenery while one enjoys a good ‘ole cup of Caribou.

Photo courtesy of United Properties and Zoran Mojsilov

United Properties imagines the possibilities of how public art can transform real estate. Whether a public art piece sparks creativity, ignites curiosity, or instills positivity, one thing is for sure: it can certainly enrich a community.

About United Properties

United Properties has been creating deep roots in the commercial real estate industry for more than 100 years. The company imagines new possibilities in real estate to help enrich communities and create lasting legacies. United Properties provides market expertise for ground-up development, redevelopment and acquisitions of value-add and stable investments. The company invests in and develops office, industrial, retail, mixed-use and senior housing properties. United Properties is owned by the Pohlad Companies and is headquartered in Minneapolis, with offices in Denver and Austin, Texas.



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In Broomfield, CO, the United Properties Denver team had a vision of transforming a city street corner into a 7-Eleven. Initially, that proposal didn’t quite catch the attention of the city. With a plan to make the space more meaningful with public art and innovative design elements, while working closely with the city’s council members, an imagined possibility became a reality for the Denver team.  

Let’s look at how the 7-Eleven in Broomfield, CO became the mid-century modern, artistic 7-Eleven it is today.  

Imagining the Possibilities with Broomfield  

The city of Broomfield originally didn’t envision a gas station occupying the space – it imagined a different purpose for 120th Ave. and Perry Street. However, the Denver team presented a mid-century modern 7-Eleven that would incorporate a public art element to reflect the city’s culture and history to win over the city. 

The city became responsive to the approach and appreciated UP’s work in listening to the needs of the community, as well as incorporating innovative design elements. By working closely to accomplish the same goal, United Properties and the city of Broomfield were able to transform this space from an imagined possibility into not just another 7-Eleven, but a gateway to an artistically inspired community. It became the first mural a 7-Eleven store in Colorado ever commissioned.  

The Mural  

The artwork is by Denver street artists and muralists Pat Milberry (a Minnesota native) and Pat McKinney, as part of the SoGnar Creative Division, with the help of Josh Deitchman (who goes by @lowkey_creative on Instagram)The mural reflects aspects quintessential to Colorado.  Inspired by art deco, the mural complements the 7-Eleven palette and aims to imitate the golden hour of the day that we wish we could freeze in time.  

The Broomfield font choice is also important and aligns with what United Properties stands for – future growth. The interpretive and abstract visual of the corn on the left side of the painting gives roots to the area’s landscape and vegetation and is reflective of our “Creating Deep Roots” tagline.  

This mural serves as an outlet to not only an art-inspired area, but what United Properties strives to accomplish in real estate development: looking for innovative ways to imagine possibilities and work with others to execute meaningful and transformative real estate.  

To learn more about the artists behind the mural, visit and 

About United Properties

United Properties has been creating deep roots in the commercial real estate industry for more than 100 years. The company imagines new possibilities in real estate to help enrich communities and create lasting legacies. United Properties provides market expertise for ground-up development, redevelopment and acquisitions of value-add and stable investments. The company invests in and develops office, industrial, retail, mixed-use and senior housing properties. United Properties is owned by the Pohlad Companies and is headquartered in Minneapolis, with offices in Denver and Austin, Texas.



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Ah, the most wonderful time of the corporate year – the community giving campaign is back, and United Properties is participating once again to support the Pohlad Companies’ charitable giving initiatives.

Our community giving campaign will officially kick off this Friday, Aug. 23 – the birthday of the Pohlad Companies founder Carl Pohlad, who passed away ten years ago. Each year, all offices under the Pohlad Companies honor the late founder by wearing his favorite pattern: polka dots! For every employee that decks themselves out in some polka dot gear, their respective company will donate $10 to the overall charitable giving fund.

The four main charities that the Pohlad Companies will sponsor span across a range of social issues. Let’s explore a little of each one.

Greater Twin Cities United Way:

The Greater Twin Cities United Way is a non-profit organization that works to push equity at the forefront of our communities. The organization works on a variety of prevalent issues such as combatting hunger, assisting individuals with life after incarceration, closing the education gap and welcoming new United States citizens to Minnesota for a smooth transition into our society. By galvanizing communities to build prosperity and equity for all, the United Way hopes to cultivate a united community where all people realize their full potential.

Community Shares Minnesota:

Comprised of nearly 50 local non-profits that tackle hard issues at the core, the Community Shares Minnesota is part of a national network of organizations that “connect, fund and raise awareness for community groups fighting for fairness and equality.” The network focuses primarily on improving access to education and healthcare, fighting for human rights, securing affordable housing and effectuating change through the arts. It is also committed to funding social justice by emphasizing equity, diversity, inclusion and the arts.

Community Health Charities:

Community Health Charities empowers people to improve their health and wellbeing by making health and wellness resources available to communities. By doing so, the non-profit organization funds education, treatment, prevention and financial assistance for people with health challenges.

Minnesota Environmental Fund:

Protecting, conserving and restoring Minnesota’s environment is the mission of the Minnesota Environmental Fund. This non-profit encourages workplaces and individuals to support renowned non-profit organizations that work to maintain our beautiful Minnesotan environment. Their efforts include maintaining clean water, lakes, rivers, air, prioritizing healthy food, biodiversity and wildlife, and combatting toxic pollution and laws that ignore environmental issues. Raising more than $13 million since its founding in 1991, the fund hopes to build a “sustainable and just future for Minnesota’s environment.”

United Properties’ Role

Throughout the next couple of weeks, United Properties will host awareness events and invite speakers from each of the organizations to discuss their work and how they enrich our Twin Cities community. Employees are also encouraged to donate money to a charity of their choice through an online donation program called iPledge, and if 45 employees do so by October 15, the company will be given a half-day on the Wednesday before Thanksgiving.

We’ve said it once, and we’ll say it again. Here at United Properties, we’re more than just bricks and mortar – we do more outside of our real estate realm. Through our charitable giving efforts, we invest in and enrich our communities to cultivate healthy and prosperous communities.

About United Properties

United Properties has been creating deep roots in the commercial real estate industry for more than 100 years. The company imagines new possibilities in real estate to help enrich communities and create lasting legacies. United Properties provides market expertise for ground-up development, redevelopment and acquisitions of value-add and stable investments. The company invests in and develops office, industrial, retail, mixed-use and senior housing properties. United Properties is owned by the Pohlad Companies and is headquartered in Minneapolis, with offices in Denver and Austin, Texas.



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MINNEAPOLIS (Aug. 5, 2019) – United Properties announced today that the Cynthia Froid Group of Keller Williams Realty Integrity Lakes of Minneapolis will exclusively market the Four Seasons Private Residences Minneapolis, affiliated with Four Seasons Hotel Minneapolis, in its new RBC Gateway development. The appointment is effective immediately.

The private residential portion of RBC Gateway will consist of 31 Four Seasons Private Residences on the uppermost floors of the building, boasting impressive city and Mississippi River views. Residents will enjoy Four Seasons services and amenities, as well as access to the facilities offered at the attached five-star Four Seasons Hotel, which will feature a restaurant and bar, a spa complex and one of the largest pool decks in the city overlooking downtown.

“The Cynthia Froid Group has established itself as a premier name in Minneapolis’s luxury residential sales community. It has done so while maintaining a reputation as fair and trustworthy, which gave us confidence in their handling the listings for this dynamic new address,” said Chris Pohlad, vice president, United Properties, who is overseeing the development of Four Seasons Private Residences Minneapolis.

“Our partnership with Four Seasons allows us to offer residences that deliver not only beautiful and comfortable homes, but also the signature hospitality and luxury lifestyle experience that Four Seasons is known for around the world,” he said.

“We are thrilled to represent United Properties on this unique offering for discerning downtown residents,” said Cynthia Froid, president of Cynthia Froid Group. “The service offerings, lifestyle and perfect location downtown simply can’t be beat. We are confident these 31 residences will sell out fast, given their connection to the Four Seasons brand, the first five-star hotel in Minneapolis.”

For more information, visit or call 612.279.8215.

About Cynthia Froid Group, Keller Williams Realty Integrity Lakes of Minneapolis
The Cynthia Froid Group is an award-winning boutique real estate agency located in downtown Minneapolis. The organization is keenly focused on the vibrant real estate in downtown Minneapolis. Our areas of expertise are condos, historic warehouse lofts, luxury high rise towers, townhomes and brownstones located in some of the most dynamic and historic neighborhoods of Minneapolis. We serve all price points and can help buyers and sellers in many areas. We are proud to be consistently ranked the Top Team in the Minneapolis Keller Williams Integrity Lakes office and honored to be consistently ranked among the top 5 agents in the city of Minneapolis. Our boutique studio office is headquartered in the heart of the Mill District, down the street from the world-famous Guthrie Theater and just blocks from US Bank Stadium.

About United Properties

United Properties has been creating deep roots in the commercial real estate industry for more than 100 years. The company imagines new possibilities in real estate to help enrich communities and create lasting legacies. United Properties provides market expertise for ground-up development, redevelopment and acquisitions of value-add and stable investments. The company invests in and develops office, industrial, retail, mixed-use and senior housing properties. United Properties is owned by the Pohlad Companies and is headquartered in Minneapolis, with offices in Denver and Austin, Texas.



Gradient blue to green with United Properties logo on top

MINNEAPOLIS (Aug. 1, 2019) – United Properties announced today that JLL, a global commercial real estate services firm, will relocate its Minneapolis office to RBC Gateway in early 2022. JLL will occupy approximately 15,000 sq. ft. at United Properties’ 34-story, 1.2 million sq. ft. mixed-use RBC Gateway development.

“As our Minneapolis office continues to grow, we are always looking for ways to provide the best office setting for our team,” said Chris Rohrer, JLL Managing Director. “RBC Gateway will provide wonderful amenities in a terrific location for our clients, employees and partners.”

Employees from JLL’s Minneapolis office will move to RBC Gateway, located at the landmark intersection of Hennepin, Washington and Nicollet Mall in downtown Minneapolis. Other RBC Gateway office tenants include RBC Wealth Management and several entities within the Pohlad Companies, including United Properties. In addition to Class A office space, the building will include the Twin Cities’ first five-star hotel, the Four Seasons Hotel and Private Residences Minneapolis, a public plaza and greenspace, and street-level retail.

JLL is a key partner in the RBC Gateway development, providing project and development services on all aspects of the project. United Properties recently broke ground on RBC Gateway, with an expected completion in 2021.

“United Properties and JLL have a long history of working together on both new construction and comprehensive renovation projects,” said Rick McKelvey, senior vice president, United Properties. “We’re very pleased that JLL’s team will call RBC Gateway home, and we look forward to having them as our neighbors in the new building.”

About JLL
JLL (NYSE: JLL) is a leading professional services firm that specializes in real estate and investment management. Our vision is to reimagine the world of real estate, creating rewarding opportunities and amazing spaces where people can achieve their ambitions. In doing so, we will build a better tomorrow for our clients, our people and our communities. JLL is a Fortune 500 company with annual revenue of $16.3 billion, operations in over 80 countries and a global workforce of over 90,000 as of December 31, 2018. JLL is the brand name, and a registered trademark, of Jones Lang LaSalle Incorporated. For further information, visit

About United Properties

United Properties has been creating deep roots in the commercial real estate industry for more than 100 years. The company imagines new possibilities in real estate to help enrich communities and create lasting legacies. United Properties provides market expertise for ground-up development, redevelopment and acquisitions of value-add and stable investments. The company invests in and develops office, industrial, retail, mixed-use and senior housing properties. United Properties is owned by the Pohlad Companies and is headquartered in Minneapolis, with offices in Denver and Austin, Texas.



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On Thursday, July 18, United Properties employees spent time with residents at Loren on Park, an Ebenezer senior living community located on the south side of Minneapolis. After partnering with them for the past few holidays to prepare gifts for the residents, we wanted to expand our partnership to be a bit more personal.

During our time there, we had a barbeque with the residents and played some good ‘ole bingo. According to the residents and the workers, an event like this had never really been done before at the community. In fact, it was the first of its kind.

Loren on Park takes in seniors who are low-income, have severe mental health issues, drug addictions, and/or have been previously homeless. As part of our charitable giving and inclusion and diversity initiatives, United Properties approved to fund a monthly donation to Loren on Park that would supply the community with basic household items such as toiletries, cleaning and hygiene products, and other necessities – things that are somewhat sparse at the community. We also packaged mattress encasements, bed sheets, and pillow covers for each resident.

At United Properties, we try not to merely focus on effective and innovative real estate development but also how we can use our privilege to enrich the community we share with others. What affects a part of our community affects our entire community, and we look forward to how we can further enrich not only Loren on Park, but Minneapolis as a whole, too.

About United Properties

United Properties has been creating deep roots in the commercial real estate industry for more than 100 years. The company imagines new possibilities in real estate to help enrich communities and create lasting legacies. United Properties provides market expertise for ground-up development, redevelopment and acquisitions of value-add and stable investments. The company invests in and develops office, industrial, retail, mixed-use and senior housing properties. United Properties is owned by the Pohlad Companies and is headquartered in Minneapolis, with offices in Denver and Austin, Texas.



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